
In 2024 a group of extraordinary individuals banded together to battle against an army of people worldwide who are being commanded by General “Doosh” Enis.
They are committed to helping others fight against General “Doosh” Enis and his minions using all of their combined special skills, abilities, and resources.
So if you need their help, and if you can find them, then maybe you can hire the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew! (hint: it is kinda easy to find them right here)
Mission: Billionaire Buster
Objective: Crazy Captain Cannon is at the helm of the "Consensus" mothership and Short Fuse operates the special "Comeuppance" cannon turret that was designed by Sparks to win the final battle against the biggest supervillian of them all when it comes to Billionaires and Behemoth Corporations.
Meanwhile, Forward Stern and Bobbin continue to play the best hit music to keep up morale and rally support from the commoners as they simultaneously work with Special Agent Portside on a secret mission, where he has enlisted the help of Nadia and others who work for the billionaires so that they can give them tips on the inside.
("That's what he said" - Bobbin)
("Damn it Bobbin, knock it off!" - Forward Stern)
Stay tuned for more updates soon. Until then... Cheers to the commoners!

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