Crazy Captain Cannon

I got my early PHD in parody
From Mad Magazine university
I learned the craft because I could clearly see
That it would become my destiny


To take all parodists who came before
Then push them all right out the door
Because their parodies sucked and made me snore
And I didn't want to hear them anymore


So I started writing my own tunes
With lyrics tweaked to poke fun at loons
Now I spend my whole day making lampoons
About morons douches and buffoons


Ask around and you’ll see most folks agree
That they love my songs and I guarantee
That nobody else can make them like me
And if you buy 2 now then you get one free


However right now I’m backed up a bit
Because I’m busy giving others’ shit
With parody songs custom made to hit
And I work all day long until I quit


So your song will come to you in time
Once I come up with verse and rhyme
That makes your intended target whine
And leaves you feeling mighty fine


To finish up I’ll reaffirm
My parodies make douche bags squirm
So they will feel lower than a worm
And it will stick with them for the long term


So if you need a parody today
Crazy Captain Cannon is just a call away
But I don't work for free so you'll need to pay
Because I really want to retire someday