
The Crazy Captain Cannon Crew

WEIGH HEIGH as the man, the myth, the legend, Crazy Captain Cannon is known to say.  He has fought and survived despite repeated attacks from an army of "dooshes".  Now he's ready to fight for the commoners. Only time will tell if he is skilled and crazy enough to lead them to victory.

He's a multi-million-dollar monkey on a mission. Recently he escaped from a lab were he was the subject of an experimental neural implant that gave him special abilites. Now he can talk and loves to play video games, plus he's a pretty good guitar player too. However, don't make him angry or you'll quickly find out why they call him: Short Fuse

Hey dudes! He's super-sweet with parrot feet, and he never seems to miss a beat. Plus he does all his own stunts, and is great at writing "parroty songs". Say "high" to our good buddy and our drummer: Portside

Our crew's labcoat-wearing-gadget-guy-extraordinaire-with-grey-hair's real name is unknown, but his code name is: Sparx. His credentials include building rockets, and rocking the bass guitar, but he hates it when the boat rocks too much (because then he gets sea-sick). 

Forward Stern and Bobbin are professional DJ's who play the hits, make us laugh, and do anything else it takes to help keep up morale for all the commoners as the hosts of WRRRRRR Pirate Radio.

Alex-Uhhh is the inept (but eager) electronic assistant that can answer questions and perform many other common tasks (very poorly), plus transport peope through spacetime (in a wonky way).

Admiral "Bull" Traits is the anonymous mastermind of the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew with a win-win mentality who is capable of solving complex problems and crafting confounding battle plans.

Our Common Enemy (The Dooshes)

General "Doosh" Enis, commands millions of "lesser-dooshes" worldwide to wage war against the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew and the rest of the commoners. So far, these dooshes have been impossible to defeat. Mainly because they are being funded by the richest Billionaires and Behemoth Corporations in the world.  

Major Morons, second in command. Little is known about this person specifically because there are so many major morons worldwide that it's almost impossible to determine the one who it acutally is.

Lieutenant Lame, third in command. Hates almost everything to do with having fun. Loves to ruin a good time. Contstantly does his best to make things better for himself and worse for everyone else.

Hi everyone and welcome to
the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew


This is our introduction video
Where we say hi and wave hello


First and most importantly
It features our logo with the triple C's


It came to me magically
One night in my dreams


Each time it rotates 90 degrees
There is a different thing it means


The 3C's logo is for my name
The 3D logo is for our game


The forehead logo is for my brain
The smile logo I'll need to explain


When the smile logo is in place
The logo turns into a face


His name is Alex Uh in this case
He can transport us to anywhere in space


Now let me introduce you to
More of the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew


My monkey friend is named Short Fuse
He loves to play guitar and shoot cannons too


Our bassist Sparks is smart as can be
He's like MacGyver with a PHD


Here to make our motley band complete
Is our drummer who has parrot feet


His name is Portside he is really sweet
Plus he never fails to miss a beat


Then there’s Forward Stern and Bobbin who
Are the rest of the Crazy Captain Cannon Crew


They play the hits all day and night
While those of us with cannons fight


So if you want to join our crew
It’s easy all you need to do


Is visit Crazy Captain Cannon dot com
But if you're not 18 then ask your mom


We want you to join our crew!

Sign up today to stay in the loop and get the scoop from our crazy troop: