CCC Logo Tricks

Our unique logo can be freely 3D printed and has a unique design that allows it to be spun, flipped, and positioned in several fun ways!


Whether you received one at one of our exclusive live events or you printed your own, try out one of these tricks and let us know what you think!



#1 - CCC Rock and Roll

The goal is to set the logo in motion to make it rock and roll in the Alex Uhhh smile position while staying upright as long as possible without tipping over

Longest Time:

#2 - CCC Over Easy

The goal is to start with the logo in the Forehead position, then roll it over through the Alex Uhhh smile position and land upright in the Forehead position as many times in-a-row as possible.

Landed in a row:


#3 - CCC Spin Top

The goal is to set the logo in motion to spin/rotate 360 degrees like a top from the Alex Uhhh smile position before tipping over. 

Complete Rotations: